Our IPL Treatment in Englewood, NJ
Our Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photofacial system offers comfortable and effective photofacials for treatment of sun damage and visible veins. Our IPL treatment in Englewood, NJ uses short bursts of high energy light to penetrate into the skin and correct a variety of abnormalities. It has been used to effectively treat the redness associated with rosacea and remove broken facial veins and brown spots associated with sun damage.
by Bruce Freund, D.D.S.
One of the advantages of IPL is that it is non-ablative and non-invasive, meaning it does not involve surgery or destruction of the skin. Intense Pulsed Light is a treatment that uses light to absorb melanin (the dark pigment in your hair and skin) and haemoglobin (the red colour in your blood vessels). This light converts to heat, which damages the target cells without disrupting the skins surface. This is used as a non-invasive treatment for unwanted hair and many skin conditions.

How many treatments are needed?
IPL treatments typically involve three to five visits spaced three to six weeks apart.
How long does the procedure take?
The procedure takes about 20 minutes and patients can return to their normal routine immediately.
What are the side effects?
IPL infrequently causes some side effects including mild discomfort during treatment and skin turning pink, freckling, mild swelling and feeling a little sore immediately after the procedure. Side effects are minimal and typically fade within two weeks of the procedure.
Our IPL treatment in Englewood, NJ is excellent for treating or minimizing things such as brown spots, broken facial veins, or rosacea. To find out if IPL treatment is best for your aesthetic goals, contact Aesthetic Rejuvenation Center today at 551-242-1991 to learn more about our services.